Posts tagged #Zion

Craig Strasbaugh: Within Zion's Walls


Last Season, I was invited to sing with Sonnenberg Station for the first time. I had heard the group perform before and had been drawn to keep singing. In my first season with the group, we sang "Zion’s Walls." It is a strong, impassioned appeal for the whole family or community to gather to worship God within the walls of the Jerusalem Temple. The men of the choir stand in place of the people's patriarchs. They love to worship God together, and they pass that faith on through the generations.

For me, "Zion's Walls" is a powerful song that leaves your senses buzzing at the end. That description could serve just as well to summarize my experience with Sonnenberg Station.

Sadly, I am missing most of this season’s performances, though I have practiced, and, even now, have my music near me. Yet as I type, I sit within the boundary walls between Jerusalem’s countryside and Bethlehem in Israel.

Today, I walked the streets of the walled, Old City of Jerusalem (Zion). Song bursts forth here in every Quarter, in every language, and from multiple religions. Here is a place people still gather for worship. I can now say that I have sung "Zion’s Walls" within Zion’s walls (and with all of the Sonnenberg Station men in my consciousness). 


As I prayed and sang within Zion’s walls, I was struck by the fact that my singing and worship here are not an end unto themselves, but are indeed preparing me for prayer and worship and singing elsewhere.

God is now dwelling in hearts of flesh in you and me. And that is the faith that we invite others to participate in when we gather together and sing.

Craig Strasbaugh

Posted on March 21, 2014 and filed under Singer Bios.